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今までの枝豆が大進化 洋風感覚のニュースタイル エダマメ 食べて美味しく持って

Edamame evolved from the way you’ve always known it. A new-style Western-influenced sensation. Fancy a street snack at EDAMA ・ MEE

枝豆をエダマメに。 日本で唯一の枝豆専門店EDAMA・Meee!! 今までの塩だけではなくワサビやペペロンチーノ等洋風・和風のテイストを入れた8つのフレーバーをご用意しました。自分好みの味を選び、オシャレに食べ歩く全てが新感覚のテイクアウト・エダマメ。 手にした瞬間つい写真を撮りたくなるようなパッケージで新しい食べ歩きスタイルを生み出しました。

Edamame, but not as you know it. The first and only edamame specialist in Japan! Traditionally served with only a sprinkling of salt, we’ve prepared eight new flavors pulling influences from both Japanese and Western cuisine, including wasabi, pepperoncino, and others. Pick a flavor and snack while walking the streets of Kyoto – that’s the new-wave takeout sensation we have to offer. You’ll feel inclined to take a photo as soon as you hold our packaging.


森田 茜オーナー

akane morita

居酒屋に行くと枝豆を必ず注文するとにかく枝豆が大好きな26歳。 こんなに美味しいものは居酒屋だけでなくスナック感覚でオシャレに手軽に食べれるようになればいい!と思い、これまでビジネス経験がないにもかかわらず、枝豆専門店を出すことを決意。それから日々品種・収穫時期を学び各地の枝豆を食べては取り寄せ、食べては取り寄せを繰り返しました。美味しいと思った生産者様のところには飛び込みで訪問し人生で初めて商談というものを経験しました。 今まで居酒屋で食べていた枝豆のイメージかを新感覚でオシャレなエダマメにしたいと思っています。

Whenever I go to an Izakaya (a Japanese drinking/eating establishment), I’m certain to place an order of edamame – that’s how much my 26-year-old self enjoys the dish. Something this delicious should be able to be enjoyed as a snack food item and not only as a dish, and that was the feeling that propelled me to start this edamame specialist store. I then proceeded to study the various types of edamame as well as their harvesting seasons, and thereon out it was a rinse-and-repeat of placing an order and taste-testing edamame from various regions of the country. For the ones that stood out in quality and taste, I went on to visit the producer themselves and experienced for the first time in my life direct negotiations with suppliers. My goal is to create a new sensation and provide a fresh experience on what has up until now simply been a dish at Izakaya establishments.



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